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UPDATE: As of Dec 9th we have 10 spaces avail..

RVSP to save your space! (808) 358-1441

**If you have confirmed your space scroll down for directions & what to bring! **

A Day Retreat for Exploration, Cultivation & Integration

 Join Aubrey, Terry, Kendyl & Carrie for an immersion into Self & Sound 

Held in a beautiful natural setting at Eluawaipili Farms in Waialua

See full schedule and desriptions below!



Learn Ukukele with Terry Brown & Kendyl Beschen

Beginner to all levels welcome 

Terry started playing ukulele in 1976 learning from some of Hawaii’s legends, Sonny D, Herb Ohta (Ohta-san) Gordan Mark, Carl Villaverde, Eddie Kamae, and Peter Moon to name a few. For 5 years Peter Moon taught him ukulele as well as Kiho Alu (slack key guitar).

Terry began teaching on his own in 1978 under the guidance of Sonny D and also started performing in Waikiki. Over the years he has played with many of Hawaii’s best musicians including Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, Gabby Pahinui, Palani Vaughn, Ernie Cruz and Ledward Ka’apana. In 1999 he started Terry Brown’s Ukulele Lessons, and is still teaching and performing today. Some of his students are professional musicians and others have gone on to open their own ukulele schools.

Kendyl has been teaching ukulele and guitar lessons on the North Shore for over 25 years and has worked as an elementary school music teacher. She has a masters degree in education and her goal as a music educator is to encourage her students to become lifelong musicians. She focuses not just on technique, but on understanding music through music theory. Kendyl weaves music into all areas of her life and loves to teach others how to play instruments so they can experience the healing gifts of music in a personal way.


Leap into 2023


LEAP: Living Exactly At Purpose

Dharma Discovery Workshop & Futures Poetry +

 Breath, Sound & Meditation w/Aubrey Yee  

What does it mean to be living in a time of societal meta-crisis? How do we respond when the problems are mounting and we feel insufficient to meet them? 

We believe that the Earth, Gaia, is calling each of us to connect with our soul’s purpose, our mission for being here on Earth at this time in the planetary evolution. That connection to this mission is the alchemical offering that will allow us to each make an outsized contribution to the collective shift towards life-affirming, life-centric futures.

Biodiversity is the hallmark of health in an ecosystem. Biodiversity honors the distinct difference of each organism in the system, its unique and distinct contribution to the whole. Maintaining balance requires infinite coordination between lifeforms, each dancing its very unique dance with Life. The same is so for us humans who are incarnated in bodies. We each arrive with a unique difference that is our soul’s purpose. The guiding crumbs of this purpose outline a path that only we can walk. 

There is only one you, and we welcome you and support you to show up in your fullest glory and joy! When you are in your joy, you meet the moment in ways that surpass the bounds of one life and reach into the infinite possibilities of the collective.

We invite you to join us for a day of LEAPing into your purpose and remembering your joy.

Aubrey Yee0207-ZF-9033-44228-1-001-224.jpg

inner exploration 


Breathwork Activation + Shamanic Journey

 with Carrie Alford

We begin with a Breathwork Activation guided by Carrie. A powerful process to clear the noise and assist anything we are ready to release. With conscious connected breath we amplify life force flow in the body, it is able to move naturally into areas of the body most needing alignment, clearing energetic & emotional blocks, restoring balance to the entire system. The journey also heightens sensory and emotional awareness, allowing access to parts of the mind we do not normally get to. It propels you into blissful & profound spaces, connecting you deeply to your innate wisdom and expansiveness.

Carrie facilitates the process infusing gentle affirmation, somatic meditation, music and can assist with light touch & Reiki Healing. A safely held space to fully support you on this powerful journey within. 

The Breath is a perfect gateway to flow into Shamanic Journey, which is the inner art of traveling beyond ordinary reality, to access information, perspective, and healing to enhance any area of your life.. from spirituality and health to work and relationships. It is a semi-guided experience allowing access to deep meditation for direct revelation. 

.Journeywork honors that everything is interconnected in this web of Life… The Shamanic Journey is rooted in connection & communion with energies of Earth & the “unseen” worlds, which can also be perceived as levels of consciousness. We are able navigate & influence the Universal current simply by connecting to our deeper selves. Rhythmic Breath & Sound are used to assist the journeyer into an altered state. Here we access our deeper inner wisdom & can receive loving guidance from Energetic Allies (Helpers such as Guides, Animals Totems Ancestors, etc) to access elevated perspective, knowledge and healing

Carrie will be gently guiding the process while Kendyl shares hypnotic Medicine drum, rattle, etc to carry you deeper into your inner-adventure, eventually landing in our final Rest,  A sound meditation & integration with sound bowls, slack-key, uke, etc. 





Sound bath: Hawaiian slack key guitar, ukulele, harmonium, harmonic pan drum, Crystal alchemy singing bowls and ethereal chimes.

Terry, Kendyl & Aubrey will be weaving their healing sounds into all experiences...

Carrie & Kendyl will be offering assistance & Reiki Healing (optional) during the integrationas & sound meditations 


Relaxing Restorative Yoga Set with Kendyl

with instrumental Ukulele by Terry


We will close the evening with

Pupus & a Fire Ceremony while we integrate & enjoy ..

Live Hawaiian Music by Na Mele Nahe. Hawaiian slack-key guitar, sweet ukulele and vocal harmonies from Terry & Kendyl 


All workshops & experiences above are included

Don't have ukulele but want to learn!?

-For discount on ukulele, visit the Uke Site in Haleiwa and say you 

"sent by Terry Brown for 10% off and a free ukulele case and tuner!"

This is a beautiful outdoor location with cozy shaded areas & covered spaces to enjoy as well as a large tent. Bathroom on site 

Healthy snacks, water, tea & light pupus provided


Only 22 tickets available!

$155 energy exchange for the day

Hope to see you there! 



Kendyl (808) 358-1441


Retreat Hosts


Terry Brown

  • Na Mele Nahe

Hawaiian Musician 

 Ukulele Master & Teacher 

Hawaiian Officiant



Kendyl Beschen

Kambô Practitioner 

Usui Reiki Master 

Yoga Teacher

Musician & Music Teacher



Carrie Alford

Usui Reiki Master~

Breathwork Facilitator~

Akashic Records Practitioner~

Meditation & Integration Guide

@cwinbornea @lokahi.hi


Aubrey Yee

Transformational life-purpose Coach ~ Futurist ~ Poet ~

Breathwork Facilitator ~

Sound Healer


JOINING US?? all info below! 

✨Please READ & SAVE the following for best retreat experience✨


1. Ukulele for class ! 

2. Yoga Mat & extra blankets/pillow/cushions  

3. Water Bottle /Refillable 

4. Journal & Pen 

*bring any all comforts for a full day of outdoor activities (shade & tent on site) 

*Suggest meal before arrival!  (Healthy vegetarian & vegan snacks provided)  

*Please wear/bring comfortable clothing (+ extras for rain & shine, day & eve)

*suggest eco-bug spray, sunscreen, hat, etc. 

*Don't have ukulele ?? 

-For discount on ukulele, visit the Uke Site in Haleiwa and say you 

"sent by Terry Brown for 10% off and a free ukulele case and tuner!"


Please aim to arrive by 12:30 to allow time to arrive

& settle into your space for 1pm start! 

Pin & directions will be shared via text, please text Kendyl if needed!

Kendyl (808) 358-1441

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